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Work with Us



"The 10 Steps" program is designed to be customized to fit into the specific requirements of police organizations,  municipalities, school systems, businesses, and houses of Worshop.  Key practices of the program remain the same.


The program can be implemented within an intensive one month time frame. These will include a brief period for some reflective writing or artwork, as homework in between sessions.  Often times the specific population being addressed are poor readers and learners for a variety of societal  and institutional reasons the program addresses this disparity by providing alternate activities such as creative art projects so that participants can learn and take ownership of the the necessary  course material.


Budgeting for the program varies depending upon its application. Group discount rates can be provided, as well as other alternative fee structures. Esther Byll is also available for consultation on projects at a negotiated hourly or day rate.


A safe space facility is essential to run "The 10 Steps" program successfully and can be provided by the partnering municipality or organization or arranged by Unseal the Truth.

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